Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Something about myself

Some people may find talking about themselves very easy, but that is not me. It’s a big challenge for me to talk about myself, and listing the most things I like or dislike about myself make it even harder. However, after taking some time thinking and struggling, I find out some good things which I like about myself as well as some things that I least like about myself, and I really need to work on it and change it.

First, I am open mind person. I don’t believe that my opinions are always right. I am able to learn from other people, and I can change my views if I think that I was wrong. I have empathic for other people because I always try to understand other, and put myself in their position without prejudice. Most of people those days think only about themselves, and don’t care about others.

Then, I am very independent person. I never wait for someone to do something for me if I can do it. I work hard to get what I want. Even though I break my thumb while playing soccer, I am still doing my job in the best way I can. I am independent thinker, and I try to form my own opinions and support them with evidence. I don’t believe that all the information coming from media are true. Some people believe that TV doesn’t tell lies, and they keep repeating anything they heard like a complete truth.

Finally, I am honest person, and I always speak the truth. However, I respect other people and try to never hurt someone’s feeling. I try to interact with people in a manner that promotes integrate and respect because I believe that been nice is more important than been truthful or mean. Some theory are telling that human being are born dishonest because it sinful nature, but I believe that we are as human being basically honest because we like to be honest and truthful.

There are many good things and bad things in everyone. Nobody is perfect, and sometime people look at good stuff about themselves. However, they forgot the things that they dislike about themselves. There many think that I dislike about myself. First, I am not very emotional person. Or specifically, I have a hard time expressing my emotion. I hold back a lot. I think that crying is a weakness that’s why I never cry because I don’t like to look weak. I think that the main reason why I still single is holding back and been afraid to express my feelings. Then, Sometime I feel that I am irresponsible because I waste a lot of my time doing stupid stuff as watching TV, playing video games, and so for. Instead, I could be doing something more interesting as reading, working out or doing my homework. Wasting a lot of opportunities by making bad choices and been less motivated. In addition my English is not good enough. Sometime I can’t find the right word to express myself. Also my pronunciation is bad because sometime people don’t understand what I said. However, I am getting better everyday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very 😎 cool essay
Thank u it really help me