Saturday, January 26, 2008

It is just a name

In my country most people have one first name and one last name, and my first name is Abdel-ali. Abdel means in my own language servant, and Ali is the greatest, so Abdelali means the servant of GOD because the greatest is one of the names of GOD in my believe. All my family and friends most of the time call me Ali because it is easy, and sometime Abdel or Abdelali. My grandmother was the one who choose my name. she named me after a baby she had , but he died.Barazzouk is my last name or my family name. I got it from my father who got it from his father also, and I do not know who is the first Barazzouk, and what it is mean or why it is. I am proud of my name, and I really appreciate the time my famile took to chose that name for me. And if I have the opportunity to chose my own name it would be the same.

1 comment:

Raul said...

nice, i like the your names meaning.